My Journal and Diary
Friday, June 12th, 2020
Because of Who You Are

Why should we offer our praise to God? Is it because of what God does, or because of who God is? Consider this carefully!
When I read Psalm 147, I am so impressed with the giant list of things God has done! The psalmist observes that from God's vantage point, he doesn't just oversee the intricate turn of seasons, like sending rain and snow, and providing food for both man and beast, but he also cares for the outcasts, and heals the brokenhearted! He knows every star in this gigantic universe, but also every soul, and He takes delight in those who revere him!
This is so well summarized in the Psalm 147 commentary by Meyer: “That God tells the number of the stars is only what we should expect of Him… But that He should be able to bend over one broken heart and bind it with His sympathy and heal its flowing wounds, this is wonderful, amazing, divine.”
We serve such a tender, loving God, yet One whose anger flares when he sees injustice on the earth!
So for which reason do we praise Him? It's kind of a trick question, since God does what he does because of who He is! He is generous, loving, and peaceful, and powerful, so acts from his own character!
Truly, praise for such perfection is fitting! Let's praise the Lord!