My Journal and Diary
Friday, September 11th, 2020
Stressed Out

What is your stress level lately? Have the problems in the world been affecting your peace, disturbing your heart?
Psalm 46 reminds us to look to God in our troubles. It entreats us to not fear, but to rather put our trust in God, who helps us. I think this Psalm is perfectly suited for a time such as this.
If ever we were in need of a refuge, and a source of unshaking strength, now is that time! Fires are raging across many places in the world, even recently destroying a refugee camp! The plague of COVID-19 has changed how we relate to one another, removing graciousness from relationships, adding suspicion and fear to our interactions. Distrust of our institutions, such as governments, churches, and schools has highlighted our sense of isolation and wariness. Floods seem to be a regular occurence in different parts of the world, forcing citizens to relocate to higher ground. The world is in tumult.
But though the earth is certainly changing right now, as it says in verse two, we will not fear! Though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea, though waters roar and foam, though nations are in an uproar, kingdoms totter, the Lord of hosts is with us! He is our refuge! He will end wars, He will make them cease and shatter the spear!
So tell me: what is your stress level lately? Can you be still, and know that He is God? Whatever the state of the world, this truth will not change! He is with us!