My Journal and Diary
Friday, September 25th, 2020
Learning from the Past, Teaching for the Future

We live in a day and age of deconstruction, in which it is common to dismiss conventionally held wisdom as irrelevant, and instead, to embrace whatever seems palatable, emotional, or politically acceptable.
The Psalmist Asaph, who penned Psalm 78, invites us to incline our ears- or as I like to think of it, to lean into the wisdom he shares. He calls his words parables, and dark sayings. This does not mean they are somehow mystical or gnostic, but rather, they require illumination in order to be understood.
In fact, as the commentator Kidner has shared, a parable is like a comparison in which a person uses one realm of life to describe a reality in another.
So what are these parables?
Well, Asaph tells us. He says that we have heard and know of these sayings, for our forefathers have told us. They are the praises of the Lord, the reality of God's strength, and the wonderful works that He has done.
Imagine seeing all of history as a parable, which when exposed to the light reveals the truth of the spiritual realm! How can we reread the stories of the Isrealites with that perception? How can we reconsider our own histories, in light of this remarkable truth?
Instead of being a stubborn and rebellious generation, one that did not set its heart aright, and whose spirit was unfaithful to God, perhaps we could learn from history and become a true Kingdom of Heaven on earth!
Lord, shine the light of your love and knowledge upon my own history. May I learn from the past, and become more loving, more honest, more humble, more truthful. May I learn to exalt you in all that I do, to worship you in each moment, and every breath. May I remember and retell the stories of your faithfulness and the ways in which you've saved me from myself and from those who would harm me! Help me to have the courage to tell others about the wonderful works you have done!