My Journal and Diary
Saturday, October 10th, 2020
Need Motiviation to Praise?

Sometimes at church, I have found myself distracted with things that keep me from really focusing on God. The whole reason for going each week is to fellowship with other believers, and to lift my praise and worship to His heavenly throne. But instead, I wrestle with inner criticisms of those around me, or negativity about various details, or preoccupations with unrelated matters in my own, cluttered life.
Has this ever happened to you? Of course, it has! It seems to be the plight of humanity to miss the whole point!
That got me thinking about Psalm 145. Over and over again, David describes the many reasons God deserves our praise! He itemizes the many features and attributes of God, in order to remind us of "why we're here." He's slow to anger, merciful, full of love, faithful, kind, and lifts up those who are bowed down! He satisfies our needs, He is righteous in all His ways! He's near to those who call on him, and He fulfills our desires! The list goes on, and on!
These things are the true motivation of praise! God deserves it, because He is like none other!
I often fog over, and blur my attention when reading scripture; it can somehow become commonplace, well-known, and so I don't really process what I am reading or hearing. But it's NOT commonplace! Let's determine to respond positively to God's word, and do what it says!
We need to speak about the goodness of God, because it's TRUE! Bless His name forever! Praise him! Why? Because of His many works, His unsearchable greatness! Declare it to each generation! He is behind all of what is good in this world. Make it known to all people!
And from that awareness and thanksgiving for His character, praise Him!