My Journal and Diary
Saturday, October 24th, 2020
Full of Praise, Full of Beauty

What a joyful, and worship-inspiring Psalm is 33! It calls us as believers, and as God's righteous people, to praise him; to sing to him a new song; to use our skill as musicians; to even shout loudly in praise!
It entreats us to rejoice, and I love this word. Those who rejoice are full of joy, (and note that rejoice begins with the prefix "re," as if one would come back to that state of happy gladness!)
Yes, we should continually return to our praise and pleasure in God, for he has created a beautiful world! He has made it full of his love, weaving this love into the heavens, the waters, the earth, and all that exist on the earth!
We're called to praise Him, and we are assured that such worship from the upright is beautiful in God's sight. It pleases Him when we sing our adoration, and it generates a deeper sense of appreciation for the beauty he's created.
Let your heart be glad in him! Trust in his holy name! We know that he loves justice, and we can trust that he will come to our defense because he cares for us!