My Journal and Diary
Saturday, March 12th, 2022
A Glimpse of God

You may wonder why so many of my Psalm videos are of trees, lakes, streams, rocks, hills, and skies.
Look no further than this Psalm for an insight into my reasoning. When my wife Joanne and I are out in God's beautiful world, I am filled anew with an awareness of his presence in all things. They contain his fingerprints! From smells, to sounds, to sights, and even the textures of every leaf, branch, puddle, stone or outcrop, God makes himself known to us. As each creature goes about its life, as plants grow, blossom, and decay, these actions become their voices of praise! By their very nature and being, all creation worships God!
Even the planets and stars worship God through their existence. Though they have neither speech nor language, yet by their splendour and magnificence, through their motions and their influences, all regulated and exerted according to the word of their Maker, do these bodies, in a very intelligible and striking manner, declare the glory of God!
When I assemble together these moving images of God's glorious creation, I hope to provoke in you the same wonder I feel, as I immerse myself in his handiwork. I want to transport you from your own home, into the very heart of the Canadian outdoors. My aim is to give you a glimpse of God in his creation. I want you to shout out in praise and adoration for our amazing Saviour-God, who wants so badly for you to see Him and to know Him!
Do not delay! Praise Him, all the earth!