Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Saturday, November 14th, 2020

Into Your Own Hands

YouTube video cover for Deliverer

Despite his obvious weaknesses, King David is a role model for me, not just as a musician, but more importantly as one who sought God, who loved God, and who communicated his hopes, fears, and pains to God. When in need, David called out to his Lord for rescue.

In Psalm 140, David needs rescue from violent men who aim to destroy him. I don't think I've ever encountered people aiming to destroy me, but I do have experience with people who didn't want the best for me. There were times when I had to navigate my interactions with certain individuals carefully, in order to avoid unseen traps. There were also times when I was caught in these traps.

Perhaps you've also encountered those who stir up conflict, who have a sharp tongue, who are trying to catch you making a mistake so that they can take advantage of your weakness. I still find it hard to believe that there are people like this, but I have no trouble believing that God will save me from them!

How exactly does God save us from such evildoers?

Well, that's going to be different in every situation, but one thing is clear: we don't save ourselves. We should never attempt to take things into our own hands, or exert our own justice. David learned from hard-won experience that God is the One who judges all people. Think of how ardent David was in protecting King Saul—the one for whom this Psalm may have been written—from harm or challenge! Though Saul attempted to take David's life on many occasions, David defended that corrupt monarch as God's anointed king.

Rather than take things into our own hands, we should emulate David: he asked God to bring about what is right. Yes, he made some rather violent suggestions, but he trusted God to do what was best. As he affirms at the end, God is sure to execute justice. David knew that it will be the righteous who give thanks to God, and who live in His presence.

So if you're facing the challenge of a vicious enemy, cry out to God, let Him know how you feel, and trust Him to be your saviour.


