My Journal and Diary
Friday, January 25th, 2019
The Terrifying Voice of the Lord

In Psalm 29, the author wants all readers to see the terrifying power in the natural world as best attributed to the Lord himself!
He lists thunder, and flashes of lightning, the sound of mighty water, great powerful winds which snap off even the strongest trees. He takes note of floods and earthquakes, and reminds us all that God is enthroned over it all.
In our modern sensibilities, we may not think of thunder as the voice of the Lord, or lightning strikes and earthquakes as an indication of his anger. But though these natural events may not be a sign of God's indignation and justice, they certainly are a sign of his glory!
Perhaps that's the point this Psalm-writer is wanting us to see.
If you've ever been caught in a great cataclysm of nature, you will recall your own feelings of insignificance. I've seen videos of houses floating down a river in a flood, or buildings and bridges swaying in an earthquake. I've been caught in hailstorms and drenching downpours, and I realize how tentatively we sit upon this earth.
As the Psalmist concludes, over it all, God sits enthroned, and gives us strength and peace in the midst of it.
That may be the greatest wonder of them all! Somehow, the mighty creator of all things is able to fill our souls with peace.