Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Thursday, May 15th, 2003

Matrix 2

I saw Matrix Reloaded today... what a movie! The guys at work took off a couple of hours at 12:30 and slapped down $5.75 to get transported somewhere in time to watch Neo battle computer programs. Coolio.
This one was sexier-- especially the beginning, which was great, but also kind of precludes me showing this movie to my kids any time soon. Not that is was pornographic, but more than a kid should see. Too bad.
Some people have told me that it would be better than the first one, that the first one introduced the story, but the story starts to get told in two and three. I don't know... it wasn't better. It might have been as good, but not better. I can get a little critical at times, but it reeked of ratings boosters, like more gun scenes, more sex, more car chases. All this was cool, but maybe we could have done with one less fight scene...
But as I say this I remember that the first Matrix movie grew on me, until I couldn't tear myself away-- until I had to be IN the Matrix, to dress, to live the Matrix. So if I buy this one too, and watch it three hundred times I have no doubt it will quickly become one of my favourite movies.

I thought this was a cool article:
Forget sci-fi and guns - The Matrix is really about religion
That's all folks,
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