Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Wednesday, January 14th, 2004

How to make links

Hi Jason, I wanted to leave a post on Joanne's blog and included a link. I wanted to do a 'fancy' link, so like you make them on your blog. I thought I'd use html for that, but that obivously mixed up something else so now it looks dreadful, pls check Joanne's blog for that. Can your tell me what code I need to use to include a link in a post here that looks nice ie. had no http://www.... etc stuff but just a clickable link in orange as you make them? I saw you and your son on the webcam :-) only my connection is too slow. Fun to see you two though!
Hi Frederique,
Just typical HTML should work, that's how I do it. I'll take a look at Joanne's blog to see what went wrong.