My Journal and Diary
Monday, January 5th, 2004
The Books I Read
I realised recently that I've completely overlooked blogging about the books I'm reading. This is fairly fascinating to me, and really deserves some web space. I hope you agree. I've been on a type of quest I guess, to read books I deem to be classic. One person's classic is usually another person's bore-- I've found this to be true already. But maybe some of my like-minded readers will find interest here. Why read these old books? Well, Moby Dick, for example, seems to be an iconoclast we cannot ignore. Everyone's read Dracula, right? What about Peter Pan, Tom Sawyer, Tarzan, or the many Jules Vern books? I've found that actually, most people have not read these books-- the movies are much more accessable and digestable. So why bother? Well many of these books were written at the height of what we now refer to as the modern age. The industrial revolution was well underway, and the advance of modernity was inevitable. I seek to understand the time I live in now by comparing it to the time we just passed through. As post modern jargon replaces modern vernacular, I want to know WHY, and to be able to logically trace back trends and attitudes that have made we p.m.'s (post moderns) what we are today. Watch here for my book journeys. Hey, these old books are all free now-- in the public domain! You can download them from most ebook sites for a dollar or two-- (if not free!), or I can send them to you if you ask. There's no excuse for not being informed in a time when information is so accessable. It's an invitation! Come explore with me. ;) ~JasonTags:books 0 likes ↑