My Journal and Diary
Friday, November 23rd, 2018
Faith Response

In so many psalms, we hear the despair of the psalmist as he cries out to God for not hearing his cry, for letting enemies win, for not rescuing from danger.
But not this one! Here, king David is full of praise and thanksgiving! He sings of how God rescued him from the pit of desolation and despair. He can't help but sing a “new song,” and spread the good news of his salvation.
As believers, we will all struggle with pain. It's part of being human, and faith in God does not exempt us from difficulties. What's different for those who believe is how we can respond to these trials: we can respond in faith and hope and trust that God loves us and is refining us to be more like him.
Let's join with David in telling everyone “in the great congregation” of the Lord's goodness. Let's share God's love with the world, by being loving ourselves!