Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Tuesday, June 21st, 2005

Reading List 2005

These are the books I read in 2005.

Finished this year:

  • Tim Keller: Ministries of Mercy- The Call of the Jericho Road (I really enjoyed, and was changed by this book. It's a little slow going though)
  • John Steinbeck: Tortilla Flat (Timeless, a little slow)
  • Franky Schaeffer: Addicted to Mediocrity (Pretty good)
  • The Entire Bible (Doing this was amazing! I learned an awful lot)
  • Arthur C. Clarke: Rama II (Loved it. This is an excellent read. Rating: 9/10)
  • Robert Lewis: The Church of Irresistable Influence (Really Good. Highly recommend.)
  • Gary Nelson: He Who Has Ears to Hear - The Galcom Story(This contains many amazing stories regarding the spreading of the Gospel to unreached people via radio stations and fixed tune radios. It was inspiring, yet a slow read. I found myself skipping paragraphs. Rating: 4/10)
  • Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game (Maybe the BEST book I've EVER read. Really. I'm in love with Ender's Game. Finished it May 8. Rating: 10/10).
  • Colin Dexter: The Wench is Dead - an Inspector Morse Mystery (Excellent- recommend Rating: 8/10)
  • Donald Miller: Blue Like Jazz (I really loved this book. I started it last night at Lucas' baseball practice, and finished it this morning (May 11). Easy read, and definitely worth it. Amy, you'll love it. Rating: 9/10)
  • Steve Sjogren: Seeing Beyond Church Walls - Action Plans for Touching Your Community (Each chapter a different writer-- makes for an awkward experience. Rating: 2/10)
  • Life of Pi (Part 1 is a little slow starting, Part 2 is a page-turner. Just skip part 3. Rating: 8/10)
  • Adams: The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (This is actually kind of funny, not your typical sci-fi genre... but the plot is weak, and it seems to end in the middle. 7/10)

Some of these are ebooks, which I have for Microsoft Reader. Ask me.


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