My Journal and Diary
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Seen and Not Heard? Waiting Silently Before Him

When I was a kid, there were times when I was expected to wait silently. I was asked to be patient, and not get pushy or demanding or whiny. It was hard as a child, and it's still a difficult thing to do!
Now try putting yourself in the position of this Psalm-writer, who says his soul waits silently on God! This is not easy! Who else finds waiting a really hard thing to do?
I think the key to patience when waiting on God is hidden in verse 5, which says “...for my hope is from him.” He can wait in silence because he has HOPE! That's how we wait. (Note too that he says even the hope comes FROM God).
A couple of weeks ago our pastor reminded us that hope is not the same as wishful thinking. We wish for things we don't often expect to happen, like wishing we had a million dollars!
Though we tend to use the word “hope” interchangeably with “wish,” there is a big difference between the words: hope has a sense of EXPECTATION!
I hope Christ returns, and that means I await it with expectation.
He is my rock: stable and sure.
He is my salvation: the one who rescues me from myself!
He is my fortress: he protects me from harm!
Even in the midst of waiting with expectation, we all struggle with disappointment and pain, and the Psalm-writer encourages us to pour out our heart before him!
I hope this is encouraging to you! God is the source of all hope and power, and love, so wait silently before him, in expectation!