My Journal and Diary
Tuesday, May 13th, 2008
Christmas CD
I'm thinking a lot about how to monetize the Christmas CD I'm getting ready to release.
As you likely know, I've been giving away my last two "scratch tracks" CDs over at It's been cool to see a huge increase in downloads and plays over the last four or five weeks. And in the process I've sold a few more copies of my other projects via iTunes and other outlets.
But I'm thinking of other ways to creatively "sell" the ChristmaSongs CD.
I thought I'd throw it out there: do you have any ideas? What's a new, creative, thinking-outside-the-box way to make a bit of money from this music?
One thought: go around to churches and play evening concerts of music and either give the CD away free there (and get paid to play) or play for free and get paid for the CDs.
What's your idea?
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