My Journal and Diary
Friday, February 8th, 2019

When I lead worship at my church, I regularly remind people that God is DUE praise. He DESERVES it. It is so much his due, that Jesus tells us that the rocks and trees will cry out in praise if we do not.
That would be a pretty unfortunate state-of-affairs if those who are made in the very image of God were outdone by an inanimate rock!
Sometimes I like to rethink verses in my own words:
• You deserve praise and our commitment to you.
• All life will someday come and praise you.
• Why? When we're drowning in sin, you forgive us.
• It makes everyone happy when you choose us, and bring us into your presence!
• One place where we'll actually feel deeply satisfied, is in your holy place.
• You save us in amazing ways!
• It doesn't matter how far away we are on earth, you rescue us.
• Think about how strong someone would have to be to build mountains, to silence crashing waves, or to hear over noisy people!
• Everywhere you go, people stop in awe because of you and your deeds!
• You replenish everything constantly, with life-giving water!
• Even our food comes from you - actually all we have is from your goodness!
• All of nature is expressing joy because of you! Their beauty is like a shout of joy, attesting to your provision!
How's that?