Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

Living In His Steps

I got a really neat email from my mom today:

Hello Son,
Just wanted to tell you about something neat that happened last night...actually I will tell you only one of a half dozen neat things that happened in the space of a couple hours.  I went back to Echo  Lk. camp with Susan Powley and two other women you haven't met yet, to visit Robbie;  she had gone back for the week and these women were excited to see her after her 3 month absence. As we opened the car door we were met with really loud rockin' type teeni-bopper type music, and we all smiled thinking we might not really find the atmosphere conducive to talking with Robbie.  However we went inside and greeted her as she stood at the back of the sanctuary, and then after a few minutes of almost deafening noise we slipped out, leaving our blessing behind...(don't want you to get the impression we were in any way put off by the music, it's just that we are getting old and we wanted to speak for at least a moment or two with Robbie before the speaker started).  Anyway, we had our little chat, they hugged Robbie and we returned to the sanctuary to hear the speaker.  It was excellent. But here's my reason for writing to YOU.  The speaker sat down and a young man stood to the podium and said in a very soft manner that he felt the Lord was leading him to sing 'In His Steps',  and I was so excited and pleased.  He mentioned that words wouldn't be necesssary since 'you all know it', and they did.  I must say, I think you might consider recording that, because it is anointed, and I could feel the Holy Spirit as we sang.  Anyway, just wanted to share that with you for your encouragement.  You have made an impact on a lot of kids ( and adults no doubt) with your music.  Blessings on you, and may God give you more and more!
Isn't that cool?

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