My Journal and Diary
Saturday, November 5th, 2005
Mercy Gate CD
The Philpott CD is coming along nicely. Let's see, 11 tracks recorded so far, with maybe 3 more... looks like 14 songs altogether, and a lot of work left to do. I feel like maybe 5 are done completely, with very little tweaking left to do. Two are almost finished. Yuck, that means 8 songs to go. And I've only got one week if I give a week to mastering and two weeks for duplication. AGGHH!
Here's the rundown, not in final order:
- The Slightest View - Scott Orr - Done, not my studio
- Name? - Rob Foster - Done, not my studio
- Secret Track - Shawn Cowan - Done? not my studio
- Lead Me On - David Heska - Done
- Compelled - Ian Perry - Done
- That's Why - Jason Silver - Almost Done
- Mercy Gate - Jason Silver - Almost Done
- Why Do I - Jason Silver - Halfway
- Lord of Me - Shermeen Chan - Underway
- You Are Holy O Lord - Shermeen Chan - Underway
- Show Me a Sign - Jay Forderer - Underway (lots to do)
- In His Steps - Joanne Silver - Not started
- Maybe two more songs, yet to be announced because they're so cool
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