My Journal and Diary
Friday, August 9th, 2019
King of Kings

There has been a lot going on lately about elections and leadership in the United States. Much of what we see seems to be based on fear. Remember Donald Trump's promise of a giant wall? Well, he wasn't the only one! Since 2014, Big walls were planned, or already built in countries like Greece, Spain, Hungary, Belize, Turkey, Costa Rica, Estonia, India, Iraq, Ukraine, Lebanon, and many more.
Fear is a serious matter. Some say fear is the absence of faith. In fear, we protect ourselves from pain, or remove ourselves from challenging conversations. We may avoid conflict, or withdraw from difficult relationships. Essentially, fear causes us to take things into our own hands.
Obviously, this is not the way of God.
During elections, I like to remind myself that it won't be human leaders who solve our world's problems. There is a better king, as described in Psalm 72.
This King promises to bring prosperity, to defend the cause of the poor, to act justly and righteously! This King promotes peace, compassion, and provides deliverance! He is our Redeemer!
Let's embrace faith! Let's invite the Holy Spirit to rain down upon us, and cleanse the fear from our hearts! Let's recognize this rightful King as our true leader, and follow in His ways!