Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

Ways for Fans to Help

I've been thinking recently of ways that fans can help to spread the word, and even ways to motivate them to. Here are some of the things I've come up with.

  • Fans burn CDs and give them away. 100 points per CD
  • Fans invite listeners who like similar artists on Last.fm to listen to Jason Silver. 10 points per "shout"
  • Put up links online (link sites, message boards etc) 50 points per link
  • Put up physical posters about Jason Silver's free CD "Sunny Days." 150 Points per poster
  • Start and maintain threads on message boards that generate interest in Jason Silver.
    for example:
    1. Mention the song "Lost" on Lost message boards; post video from YouTube
    2. Mention the song "Amber" on beer lover web sites.
    3. Your idea... connect a song with a potential fan or site
    4. (100 points per mention)
  • Ask online DJs to include Jason Silver's music in their playlists. 50 points per request
  • Make requests at real radio stations for music by Jason Silver 100 points per request

These are just a few ideas I have had... perhaps the points could be used to get a free house concert, a signed tee shirt, or something else you want...?

Any takers?


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