My Journal and Diary
Thursday, March 6th, 2008
Song-A-Day Number 18 - You're So Groovy
Brian, you really are cool, so don't take the sarcasm of this song personally. It just kind of came out that way.
You're So Groovy
by Jason Silver
3/5/2008 10:17 p.m.
You're so groovy, you're so fine
This is where I'm gonna draw the line
You too cool, and you're on top?
Let's get real, this has gotta stop!
I can't take another grimace
I don't want to see them roll
Your eyes are saying way more
Than I ever want to know
It's is certainly no secret
We all know that you're so bored
Are we underneath your highness
Is that why we're all ignored
There's a story in your shoulders
And your fists they tell it all
You're so cool on the outside
But you're barely five feet tall
So get real, hey let's see it
Drop the game and let it go
Life's too short and you'll be lonely
At the end, and all alone
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