Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Saturday, December 17th, 2005

Up in the Tree Fort

Up in the Tree Fort
This song is on the CD "Moving On" which I released in 1999. I entitled it "Up in The Tree Fort" because I wrote it with John Lyons- a friend with whom I built and played in tree forts when we were young.

Back when I was a kid, I loved to build them. I think it started when I was four and five years old, when my dad build a tree house for sister Stacy and I to play in.

But we moved away from that house, and of course, the tree house, too.

When I was a little older, ny grandpa Earl Abrams gave me access to as much lumber as I needed. Out behind his 'shop' I built a two-story treehouse empire.

I started by finding the perfect spot: a grove of ten trees growing in a circle, right beside a rocky cliff. I attached joists to the outside of the trees, a little above the level of the cliff, then put down floor boards. A little higher up I added a railing, and even further up, another circle of joists and another floor.

I built a drawbridge that connected the top of the cliff to the first floor of the fort. The bridge could be raised and lowered (albeit, I wasn't quite strong enough to do this easily).

A couple of years later my dad gave me permission to build a treehouse in our backyard-- if I first submitted plans to him. This fort had a trap door in the bottom and a peaked roof to protect me from the elements. It turned out pretty good, but a little too small for two to fit comfortably, so I didn't play in it much. Later I built a platform above it, but it was so high up in the air that I was a little scared to play up there also.

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