Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Friday, November 2nd, 2007

Afternoon Is Haunting

I finally wrote a new song tonight. It came out really fast: I think I was long ovedue to sit down and write or something. I know that not doing music for a living is taking a bit of a creative toll on me. I hope to focus more intentionally in the future.

Here are lyrics below-- I put up a scratch track of the song as well-- so you can hear how it goes.


Afternoon Is Haunting
By Jason Silver

Midnight now, I'm waiting, wondering
Why you haven't called?
One o'clock Lord, I must close my eyes
Two goes by, then three, four, five,
Still you are nowhere near
Sleep would be great, but it's already eight,
And the afternoon is haunting.

Every afternoon I think about that place
I remember how the moon, it shone upon your face
I can still recall your eyes; they burn into my mind
And I can't forget the lies, but baby,
How I want to.

I can't believe the time, God
It's already half-past nine
I fell asleep at ten, just closed my eyes
I'll wait until noon, then one and two,
Man, has it been three years?
Four o'clock, I go for a walk
But the afternoon is haunting.

(c) Copyright 2007 Jason Silver Ink. All right reserved. International Copyright Secured.

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