My Journal and Diary
Friday, November 16th, 2007
Daddy's Lullabye
I've always wanted to write a little lullabye that I could sing to my kids-- and have actually drafted probably 10 or so -- on the spot while I try to sooth a crying child. But this one started Wednesday night with the guitar, and I put down some words to it last night. It's really simple, but I think it comes across really gentle and soothing. I hope you like it!
Here are lyrics below-- Click the play button above to hear the song's first take.
Daddy's Lullabye
By Jason Silver
Close your eyes and don't you cry
Go to sleep my darling
Daddy's lullabye
Just goodnight and not goodbye
Sweetest dreams my baby
Drift off to the sky
To daddy's lullabye.
Sleeping sweetly
Let me hold you tight
Breathing deeply
Soon the morning light
(c) Copyright 2007 Jason Silver Ink. All right reserved. International Copyright Secured.
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