Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Tuesday, December 7th, 2004

Hope Has Taken Me

Hope Has Taken Me

I wrote a new song today-- It's only the first draft, but here are the lyrics. You can hear my recording of it by going here. It's not bad for a first draft. I'd be interested to know what you think.


It's a mystery to me
That deep within my heart
There is something more I need
To fill the yearning part

Nothing satisfies
I've tried to set it free
And trying is the word for it,
The trial of the century

Time has ceased to move
And we're in that moment now
I fill my chest with deep breaths,
With thanks, and wonder how?

My shoulders drop, relieved,
And seconds become years
No pain, that life has

Not someday, nor yesterday,
Not waiting, not waiting,
No wishing, or wanting,
Hope has taken me
I'm here now, we're together,
You've brought me to this moment
Most satisfied; hope has taken me.

You've laid the brush aside,
The canvas needs no more,
This world is a masterpiece,
Of pain, of joy, or peace and war,

Now you take my hand,
You help me see it through,
I worship the ground you walk on,
I love you!

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