Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Monday, March 23rd, 2009

Music Lessons

I've decided to begin holding music lessons. I was hoping you could help me get the "word out."

Could you please forward this email to all your contacts who you think would benefit? Maybe someone you know is interested in learning to play an instrument, to improvise, or in improving their ability?

Here are some of the lessons I am offering:

  1. Playing Piano by Ear - improvisation, solos, jazz, rock piano, ballads, etc.
  2. Acoustic Guitar - playing rhythm guitar, finger picking, chording and more
  3. Setting Up a Recording Studio - Using computers to set up a recording studio, tuning vocals, multitracking, wave editing, mastering, etc.
  4. Irish Penny Whistle - bending notes, fingering techniques, etc.
  5. Playing Lead guitar - soloing, improvisation, melody
  6. Writing Songs that Work - lyrics, melodies, chords, hooks
  7. Drumming 101 - Everything you need to know to play drums almost anywhere.
  8. Arranging for Instruments - For people who want to write down arrangements on computer software for brass, strings, and more
  9. Band Leader Training - Got a band? How to get your team to play better together, how to lead them more effectively
  10. Midi Synthesizers and Sequencing - How to get your computer to play back your arrangements

I hope to teach every evening if I get enough students. But to start, on Saturday, April 4th, I will be holding special half-price, introduction classes in my home. Please let everyone know!

People can call me (613-344-1717) after 5, or email me (jasonsilver@crookedbush.com) if they are interested.

Thanks very much!

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