Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Friday, August 26th, 2005

Social Insanity

Rant time.

We all know the definition of social insanity: doing things the same way over and over again and expecting different results...

...so Joanne and I must be socially insane. We tried out Canadian Healthcare again this evening. Our baby, Grace has been screaming sick for two days and we thought this evening it might be prudent to check her out at emergency... we knew it was mostly likely an ear infection (she's our third child and you get to know these sorts of things). We'd quickly get a prescription for antibiotics to clear up the infection.


What were we thinking? Joanne waited for hours, forced to stand, holding Grace. I waited outside in the van with Seth sleeping in the back seat. Finally we gave up and went home. Almost two hours of waiting room, with lots of other people screaming in pain in front of us in line. Couldn't they just give us that little flashlight-in-ear dohicky, so we could look in, and say, "yep, it's an ear infection!"

I'm telling you, I think the medical profession is a complete farce in this country (apologies to the twenty or so doctor friends I have!) I would have gladly slapped down $50 bucks to not have to wait for hours!! Imagine what would happen if all the money that is lining politicians pockets was taken out of taxes, and we just started paying the doctors directly!!

And every time we experiment with the hospitals it's the same thing. It's been like this since we came here! (Pining) "Oh, to go back to New Jersey, where it cost an arm and a leg, but the wait was short!" At least there we were customers, worth keeping!

There's not much worth keeping in Canada's Healthcare.



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