Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Friday, February 18th, 2005

Big Brother Is Watching

What kind of Trudeaupia do we live in? Perhaps we're not far from being a lberl (read communist), regime where none shall question the government?

Patfield, a Grade 8 student at John Dryden Public School in Whitby, Ont., was touring the Governor General's official residence with about 60 students on Tuesday when he spotted Clarkson and asked: "Is that the woman that spends the money on the Queen when she comes?"


...the 15-year-old high school student whose question about government spending resulted in his class's tour being cut short... Following the Ottawa incident, Patfield was told he was to receive a three-day suspension. The school reversed that decision Thursday.

Imagine being suspended for asking hard questions of our political leaders? At least there was some back-pedalling:

[Adrienne] Clarkson defended the boy's - and anybody's - right to ask questions about how government money is spent.

"Of course in my opinion there is no inappropriate question, only inappropriate answers," said the one-time journalist known for getting her questions answered.

"(The question) shows, at least, an interest in what's happening in the office of the Governor General and I thought questions like that should be answered."

I thought this was well said:

Parenting expert and author Barbara Coloroso said the incident is an example of "zero tolerance being zero thinking."

What a sad comment on reality. Fortunately, the suspension was lifted, and everyone has apologized.

Beware of asking questions.


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