Jason Silver

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Tuesday, October 12th, 2004

Election in Afghanistan

I received this email today from a Canadian working in Afghanistan.

I would like to give a quick update and a quick thank-you. First Thank-You to everyone who has been praying for safety in Kabul. Especially the last week or so, there were some expectations of Taliban disrupting the elections with violent attacks against ISAF military personnel, or the polling sites.  God has watched over us, and we are safe.  Praise the Lord.

Also, an encouraging piece of news:  One of the media representatives, who was around to several polling sites on election day, reported to us (part of the military community) that the women turned out in huge numbers.  Many of them told him, through an interpreter, that they have not been out of the house, virtually, in years; but, they came because this is so important for their country.  They are so thankful for the countries who have sent troops, and for the troops themselves, for the presence which has allowed enough stability for them to take this big step.  (This Media guy is a documentarian, so you won't read him in the paper.)  You will have heard about all the voting irregularities.  Well, the common person's perspective, I understand, is that it was a historic day.

God be with you
Yours in Christ
Tracy Moore

Not what we hear on TV.


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