Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Thursday, March 11th, 2004

Freedom To Do What

[UPDATE] Another karate chop to freedoms in Canada. The Hamilton Board of Education here in Ontario, Canada has recommended that Christian groups can meet-- but only if they agree to have other faiths represented for alternate perspectives. Leaders and speakers from other religions must come and address the students in these faith groups, to gain his or her perspective.
Faith-based or religious clubs will be permitted during the school day under the following conditions:
- They must not be indoctrinational
- They must not give primacy to any particular religious faith
- They must be open and accessible to all on an equal basis
- They must be monitored by a teacher advisor
When questioned about why Muslim students are not required to do this for their Friday afternoon prayer times, they answered that prayer was different. Christians are also allowed to meet for prayer without having other faiths present, and they may meditate, raise their hands and sing songs during this time as well. There you have it: state mandated and directed instructions for how we may worship. It's just one more blow against freedoms in Canada. We get closer and closer to a policed dictatorial state. ~Jason I decided to write to the elected official in my ward to express my concern. If you live in Hamilton, and care about this issue, then I encourage you to write your trustee too. I'm a cynic, though and if you're Canadian, you probably are too. What good will it do? Here's a snip of conversation with my trustee from this school ward:
----- Original Message -----
Hello Mr. Marston, I've been quite suprised and concerned over the proposed limits placed on students who wish to discuss faith-based-issues with their peers in schools. I wanted to take a moment to send you an email to express this concern, and to urge you to represent me, a parent within your ward. Please stand up against these proposed restrictions against faith clubs. Whatever a child's faith, I don't believe the state should infringe upon the charter of our rights and freedoms. It's just wrong. Thank you for your time, Jason Silver
----- Original Message -----
Hi Jason:
I have to say that I agree with the recommendations from the Faith Groups received in their advice to the Board and I support the position put forward at our last meeting by Superintendent Chuck Reid. Thank you for expressing your concerns to me. Sincerely, Wayne Marston
----- Original Message -----
I'm sorry, I thought this was about what the public wanted, not what you wanted. My mistake. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my email. Yours, Jason
----- Original Message -----
Hi Jason: I respect your opinion, but yours is not the only email I have recieved on this matter. As with most who hold public office we do give consideration to all points of view, but I do not make decisions based on those opinions alone. I have done my best to make my decisions relative to this important matter based on the legal advice received from the Board Lawyers, the Staff at the Board and the opinions given us by the Ministry of Education. Sincerely, Wayne Marston
So is it worth it? ONLY IF THE TRUSTEES GET MANY MORE EMAILS FROM CONCERNED INDIVIDUALS. Please, if you care for freedoms in Canada, take the time to send an email. The list of trustees is right here. ~Jason
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