My Journal and Diary
Thursday, February 17th, 2005
If Only We Would Follow
The United States passed a new law regarding broadcasting indecent images and language. I wish Canada would do the same. Things are getting more and more explicit on Canadian television!
Not everyone is happy, but I like the idea of being able to watch television with my nine-year-old, and two-year-old, without fearing they'll be exposed to something they shouldn't be yet seeing.
It seems our culture's voracious appetite for extreme images isn't going to wane anytime soon. Whether it's dead bodies, multilation, or sexual activity, it's not making us a better, gentler, people. It's fascinating to me how the US sometimes appears to be moving back toward morals and decency, while the rest of the world swings even further away.
In the end, I wonder who will be left standing?
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