My Journal and Diary
Thursday, September 16th, 2004
Rather - I Guess I Should Say Something
You've probably read about Dan Rather's lying and deception-- that is, if you read any political blogs. If you don't, you probably don't care. It's enough to know that CBS broadcasted a false story about President Bush using supporting evidence that was obviously manufactured to support their bias.
Turns out this is nothing new for CBS and Dan Rather. He's been at this for some time:
Burkett has tracked Rather’s claims for years. In "Stolen Valor,” Burkett investigated a CBS TV documentary, "The Wall Within,” hosted by Rather.
The thrust of Rather’s report was that hordes of Vietnam veterans were dysfunctional, mentally disturbed or harbored guilt because their superiors had forced them to kill Vietnamese civilians.
Burkett did his own investigation and found that this was all hype. And while he was at it, he looked up Rather’s own military history. So determined was he that the story be put in perspective that Burkett ended up collaborating with ABC on a "counter documentary” on that network’s "20/20.”
This attempt to set the record straight won "20/20” a Cine Award, a significant honor within the industry.
"We attacked Rather’s documentary as being a bogus piece of work,” Burkett recalled to NewsMax.
Hat tip to Instapundit.
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