My Journal and Diary
Friday, May 25th, 2018
Why Not?

Why Should I Be Joyful?
We've all been in the place where happiness is hard to come by, difficult to imagine, and generally a foreign concept. Whey things aren't going the way we want them to, when our “determined will” hits a brick wall, and everything seems to be out of our control, that's when we can sink into sadness and find it difficult to identify with that “Joy, joy, joy, joy, down in our hearts!”
Of course, you already know this, you've probably heard it many times: happiness and joy are not synonymous. Depression and circumstantial sadness can make it hard to connect with joy.
Lately I've felt joy, even though there have been some difficulties in my life, and this Psalm reminds me why! Because I “know that the Lord is God.” I know that he made me, that I am his, that we are all his people, in his care like a shepherd caring for a flock. We're safe.
And so I will give thanks, and come into his house, praising his name.
He his faithful! His love is “steadfast,”--unchanging, loyal, dependable.
Why SHOULDN'T I be joyful?