Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Tuesday, February 8th, 2005

Contacting My Member of Parliament

Well I did something scary yesterday. I called my member of parliament.

It wasn't actually too bad. The first thing I said was, "I'm a little nervous-- I've never called my MP before." The clerk on the phone was very helpful and polite.

I started by asking what Tony Valeri's position on same-sex marriage was. I was told he supports the redefinition of marriage.

That sounds euphemistic to me.

Then, with voice shaking, I said, "I do not support the redefinition of marriage. I don't think the government has a place redefining an institution that has been around longer than it has. I hope that Mr. Valeri will represent my position."

The clerk sounded suprised, which was disappointing. They must really think they're representing the people. He asked for my phone number and address, and said he would let Mr. Valeri know. That was it.

I hope everyone calls their politician. It's actually really easy. DO IT! It's not too late people, to have this democratic process actually work.

This isn't an issue of justice. Homosexuals already have equal rights. I suspect this is really a matter of self-esteem.

Just click here. It's easy. It will send an email, and find your MP's phone number automatically.



Well, am I ever cheesed. I just got a call from Tony Valeri's office, and they tried to change my mind! I used Austin's advice, and said, "I feel that the government doesn't have a place in changing an institution that is older than it is. The government should stay out of the bedroom."

The representative then tried to tell me that I was wrong in my belief. I said, "Are you trying to convince me?!?" He said that he was not. He was obviously misjudging his intentions. He continued by trying to enter into a debate with me.

I said, "Look. The way I see your job, is to represent the views of those who elected you. I don't want to discuss it with you, I want you to take my view, and the views of your electorate, and represent the majority as best you can."

He agreed with me then, and we drew the conversation to a close. But I couldn't help feeling ticked that he tried to change my mind-- he whose job is to reflect my mind! It felt like there was some sort of agenda going on behind the scenes. I'd like to think that the agenda was simply, "Save votes, save votes!"

I hope it's nothing more sinister than that-- though one could argue that it's sinister enough on its own.


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