Saturday, March 5th, 2005
Keeping A Clear Head
We Christians live in a strange culture. Our peers have been trying to slowly erode the legitimacy of our position for 30 years. It's so difficult to have these conversations, now when it has become inappropriate, for example, to call homosexual acts a sin. Suddenly I'm a bigot. Having sex has suddenly become a human right. It is not a right, as Stephen Harper attested in his recent speech in the house of commons.
So many words we use, like 'homosexuality,' seem to be a new invention. It's conotation suggests that when a person performs homosexual acts, he himself is a different type of person than the rest of us. He has a different persuasion, they say. Erosion.
As Christians, we are to be light and salt in our world. Jesus said, if we lose our saltiness, we will be thrown out amd trampled by our culture. He also said, that when one lights a lamp, they don't try to hide the light, but place it on a table so everyone can benefit from it. He said we should live our lives in the same way.
As I've pointed out more than once, God established union between man and woman. Marriage therefore, is not a sociological creation. Rather, society is the product of marriage. We have evidence for this:
As marriages have been disintegrating around us over the past 30 years, so has society! Prisons have filled up with angry boys, most of whom come from broken homes. We may have advanced technologically, but we are not living in a better society today. There is more violence, more disillusionment, more depression, more cocooning. I believe this to be largely because of the weakness of the family unit.
Some have said, within the comments on my blog, that allowing gays to marry is a pro-marriage movement. This will be good for society, right? Children born in homosexual homes will now have the added benefit of a stable home.
I think there are more arguments against that position that for it. But who knows? I guess we'll likely find out in 30 years, when those children have grown and we can study it. Probably this marriage ammendment will happen. That discourages me, for so many reasons.
But do we want to risk our children's future 30 years from now? If the past breakdown of heterosexual marriages have caused this messed up world we live in today, what's next?
I want Lucas and Seth and Grace to grow up in a safer society. This is a giant sociological experiment, and no one really knows if it will work. What will happen to our future, our Canada?
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