Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Tuesday, November 15th, 2005

Thou Dost Protest Too Much

I was reading a couple of interesting blogs this morning and it helped to focus some background ideas that have been faintly shimmering somewhere in my mind.

The comments were typical responses to something called 'emergent' in evangelical circles. Contributors were musing about the latest evolution of the church. They all made some great points, but that's not really what I want to draw your attention to.

One person mentioned that he had tried to walk away from the emergent movement, and was just unable to. Something sparked for me. I too have tried walking away from caring about this emergent thing-- a church for post-moderns, a church for today's culture.

But not because I don't believe in being culturally relevant. Not because I don't value communication. It has more to do with history than present, actually. Our church has rockin' drums and guitars. We use video clips, drama, we engage people as best as we can. I'm not advocating leaving that behind.

This is why: I think the protestant church would do well to focus more on unity, and less on splintering. I'm convinced that through cooperation and sharing we can make a greater impact in the community for Jesus than through our attempts to be "relevant."

I want us to stop being protesters. I think God wants us to stop protesting. But I don't think it's possible anytime soon. So sad.

I've noticed that the past seems to hav a trickle down effect that we're mostly oblivious to. For example, Americans settled the wild west with guns and power... and one might argue that their culture is still permeated with taking the law into one's own hands-- good or bad. Canadians were given free land from a mostly benevolent but controlling government, and even today look to officials to take care of them. Canadians don't value liberty, we value good government. Somehow we're still all surfs on the land of lords.

Like our ancient protestant forefathers who paved the way for us, maybe we take too many opportunities to soapbox. If there is any characteristic I think we should try to leave in our past, it's the nature of protesting. What if we valued tradition and the experience of those before us just a little bit more?

But maybe we're so devisive at our core that this could never happen. We were borne in separation. Are we destined to relive it forever?


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