My Journal and Diary
Wednesday, September 28th, 2005
Christian Catholicism
Monday night was the first in a line of meetings I'll be part of at the Catholic church down the street. My neighbour, John invited me to attend a weekly class with him to learn more about the Church. I'm quite looking forward to the experience.
I was a little nervous Monday night, as I didn't know anyone there, and I wasn't certain what the priest would think of a protestant minister taking the course. But we had some lively discussiosn, and I really like the guy.
I'm not really going to change anybody's minds on any issue. But I want to hear directly from the pastor of this parish how important are certain theologies, like their "prayers" to Mary (which he tellls me aren't really prayers). I'm also interested to find our more about transubstantiation (Catholics believe the wafer and wine actually become Jesus' blood and flesh, not just symbolize them as we protestants think).
The classes run until Easter, so I'll let you know how things turn out.
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