Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005

RSS Bible in a Year - The Message

As most of my readers will know, I have been using BlogLines.com to manage a lot of my information-- church prayer requests, announcements, Lane's messages, searches, comics, Hamilton weather, news, as well as friends blogs that I read.
Well I quickly threw together a new RSS feed today-- it will help you read the Bible in a year (the Message version).
Add it to your subscriptions if you want it.
If you want other versions, let me know and I'll add that capability. Or if it would be better to have more than a link to the reading, let me know and I'll put the actual scripture chapters in the feed.
There is an existing feed here, that is in the ESV version:
Hope this is helpful to someone!

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