My Journal and Diary
Friday, August 23rd, 2019
On the Path

Sometimes I find myself using a metaphor without even realizing it. For example, I might say something like, "stay on the straight and narrow," or refer to my life as a "journey." This section of Psalm 119 also uses the pathway to describe the preferred choices one can make in life.
In today's video, I filmed a route that crosses through our village, which is called the "Cataraqui Trail." It is a former railway line between Kingston and Smiths Falls, Ontario. It's a beautiful walk, which I find relaxing and peaceful.
Years ago, when the engineers first laid out the route for this railway line, they carefully noted the landscape through which it must pass. Because locomotives are not able to navigate sharp corners or climb steep grades, planning the route must have been a time-consuming and challenging task! The railway line needs to visit specific towns and cities, be as direct as possible, avoid hilly terrain, span deep valleys, cross rivers, lakes, and swamps.
In a similar way, the ultimate Engineer, the God of all creation, has mapped out the ideal route to take through life. He didn't stop there, but also has walked it before us, and asks us to follow Him on this path to salvation. He knows our limitations. He understands that we face mountains of difficulty in life, valleys of sorrow, and many times encounter sharp corners which can take us by surprise.
Where are you on this path? Are you trying to find your own way, or walking in the law of the Lord? Perhaps it's time to consider whether your life has "jumped off the rails," if you need to "reorient" yourself to the truths of God?
I invite you now, to reaffirm your decision to follow in the ways of the Lord.