Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Wednesday, January 26th, 2005

FileCABINET with RSS Feed and Froogle Feed

I added two new features to FileCABINET lastnight and this morning.

FileCABINET is the database script which shows the various programs I have for sale at Intelliscript.net. It allows users to search the database, purchase and make payments with an integrated shopping cart; it generates XML PAD files for software download sites, and lots more.

The two added features are RSS Sydnication and an automated Froogle feed.

RSS (Really Simple Sydnication) allows you to license your content to other sites. It also allows people to subscribe to your content if they want to keep tabs on what's going on without visiting your site everyday. They can add the 'feed' to their newsreader, and this reader will automatically show you when there is new content to view.

FileCABINET lets each script have its own feed (in case someone is interested in subscribing to late-breaking information on any particular script. It also generates a summary RSS feed covering all of the scripts.

Froogle is Google's integrated shopping search engine. Google asks you to monthly upload a text file containing certain information about your products for sale. Now FileCABINET will generate this file automatically so it's always an up-to-date reflection of correct prices and information about the scripts.

FileCABINET has only sold one copy-- not exactly stellar compared to a script like Auto FollowUp or Crossword (a Scrabble-style game). But it's becoming one of the most time-saving and efficient programs I've written.


Tags:webdesign perl_scripts FileCABINET 0 likes
