My Journal and Diary
Thursday, October 14th, 2004
Lost Almost Everything
I'm an idiot. You'd think someone like me would learn to make BACKUPS! It's an example of 'taking my own advice.'
So I've lost thousands of records in my database: customers, their purchases, the scripts they're interested in, their EMAIL ADDRESSES! Ugh. It's like starting over. I've lost everyone interested in ServiceBuilder too.
So I moved to's server. It's finished, except for the big job of troubleshooting and reinstalling all the scripts on my site. That's one big headache of having a server-side-intensive site. Includes need to be changed, rules for the servers differ, so I had to rename all .pl files to .cgi if they were located outside of the CGI bin (Which is a good idea anyway, and I should always do this!).
So it's another example of me wondering, "WHY AM I DOING THIS AGAIN?" Money just doesn't seem like a good enough reason. It's 12:30 here and I haven't even got to my real job yet! UGH.
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