Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Thursday, March 6th, 2008

Edit Content Script

I've been rebuilding the Browser Page Editor script over the last few weeks... it's actually getting pretty cool.

Here are some features:

  1. Automatic installation: just drop it in the cgi-bin, and open it in a browser. It creates all the subfolders it needs, and warns you if there is anything wrong.
  2. One page editing: Confirmations for creating new pages, deleting pages, and editing messages all appear in an iframe, so no need to press back on your browser.
  3. Template control: the script can now be completely style-sheet based, so you may change the look of your entire site by clicking on a thumbnail. Upload as many templates as you want. Or use this for giving your customers their own sites, which they can customize completely.
  4. Button and Menu Customization: When you create a new page, you can now opt to include it in the menu along the top or on the sides of the content. Give menus their own title, change the sort order of the menu, or remove pages from the menu. Complete control!
  5. Instantly change the type of button in the menu. Using style sheets, your buttons can be mouseover image changes, plain text, cascading menus, and more!
  6. Login Memory: login once, and stay logged in until you log out. No more entering passwords every time you perform an action.
  7. You can still put an edit link at the bottom of every page on your site. Clicking it will take you to the edit view.
  8. Customize the header and footer of your site from the one edit page.
  9. Turn off controls by disabling delete, new pages, changing templates, modifying the button-menu, and more.
  10. The header of the edit script display can be customized for your own company.
  11. The edit script display has a side banner for displaying ads to your customers while they're logged in. You can change the image in the ad, and the address of the link they click remotely.
  12. The edit script display is based on a CSS file. Host the CSS file on your own server, so that your customers see the ads and banners you want them to see.

As you can see, this is a very powerful, easy-to-use script. I'm adding new features, and improving install-ability every day.

If you're interested, get it now at Intelliscript.net. When the script is released, existing users will get it for free. New users will have to pay a higher price for this script, so now is the time to get in on the deal.


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