My Journal and Diary
Wednesday, May 5th, 2004
JavaScript HTML Editor
My content editor which I use on client web sites so they can edit their own pages has just been improved! Now when I set up sites for people, they can login and use a simple and familiar WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface for making pages. This includes uploading files, inserting them into pages, bold, underline, etc., font face and colour, justification, bullets, lines, and more.
I've been looking for a great JavaScript HTML editor that is EASY to deploy. Most of them try to charge you lots of money, but this one is completely free, and works wonderfully.
I've started by implementing it into my EditContent script in use on,,,,, among others. I hope to add it to's AFU script as well so that emails can be drafted in HTML from the browser.
Mind you, it's only supported on IE 5.5 and above, but I can deal with that since 90% of people fit into that group, and I can always instruct my users to update their browsers.
This is an important and exciting discovery. HOW COOL! Expect much more elegant posts from me now!
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