Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

MySpace Scraper

I wrote a new Perl Script and I'm giving it away for free right now-- It's a MySpace RSS scraper script, which grabs some info from your profile and formats it for RSS news readers.

Not a very fancy name; I called it MySpace Profile Feed. Right now it displays the number of "friends" you have, the number of "comments" made, the date of your last login, and for musician accounts, the number of visits made to your profile.

I plan on adding a few more details to the script, such as the latest posts to your blog, and upcoming gigs (again, for musician accounts). It would be great if I could get the number of 'plays' for songs too, but that information isn't readily accessable for scraping.

It's cool, because you don't actually have to install the script to use it-- just put your myspace ID in the URL and it will make a custom feed for you. For example, here is my feed:
and here is Joanne's:


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