My Journal and Diary
Saturday, February 9th, 2008
ESC - Excel Shopping Cart
I've just created a great little shopping cart script. I've called it ESC (for Excel Shopping Cart). It's quick and easy to set up, and all products are added by uploading a tab-delimited spreadsheet. Easy!
What about customization?
You can have as many fields as you want, all customized exactly the way you want them. As long as there is a Price, a Name, and an ID column, everything else is automatic.
It's got integrated templating and CSS, and is very fast. It learns how to use your database automatically! Hardly any setup is necessary to get underway.
Any payment solution can be integrated into the script with a minimum of effort-- or you can just opt to get an email upon each order completion.
I've worked with some pretty big shopping carts, and I usually walk away frustrated. This is quick, easy, and headache free. You've got to try it!
Tags:webdesign perl_scripts