Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Thursday, March 4th, 2004

Movie Database Script

One of the very first Perl scripts I wrote (right after I wrote Scrabble I think) was a movie database program for putting up personal movie reviews. I wrote it for my friend Kevin Friesen, who never used it. And I never sold it, or used it either. But I've been thinking a bit about it lately. When Joanne and I took off for a few days to visit each other **grin** we watched about four movies in between sleeping, eating, shopping, ... and stuff. I thought about my desire to write about the movies I've watched lately, and what I would say about these films. So I dusted off this script. But then I got thinking-- these films are probably already described-- complete with pictures, on the Internet Movie Database site. Wouldn't it be cool, I thought, if I could use a fetch script to grab this data server side, and let me write my own review and rate each movie on my site. So I set out on a journey to imdb.com. But then I realised they have that service already built into the site! You can add films to 'my movies' and rate them, and even review them! So if I write a script, it might just be a way to share this info with my visitors without having them leave CrookedBush.com. Maybe that script would sell. This doesn't seem to be possible right now with imdb.com. Anyone like that idea, or think it might be useful on their site? ~Jason
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