My Journal and Diary
Friday, January 10th, 2020
The Depths

"Out of the depths I cry to you."
This is the first line of Psalm 130, and a really vivid image of desperation. The depths of despair is a well-known alliteration; I think mostly because it's so apt! We've all been there: full of sadness, in an ocean of pain, a chasm of hopelessness. Depth is the perfect word!
Sometimes it takes us hitting the "depths of despair," before we decide to cry out to God! The temptation to depend upon our own strength is great, until we're forced to admit our strength is not enough.
I love the honesty this writer shows in evaluating his own worthiness: he realizes that if God was counting our mistakes, no one could ever please Him. He states that none could stand before him, which is a legal term meaning that none could claim innocence or guiltlessness. But innocence is not required. Fortunately for us, God's forgiveness is waiting for those who ask for it!
What a reason to praise him! He forgives us, even though we don't deserve it!
I love the way this Psalm ends! The Psalmist looks to the future, and makes the bold claim that God WILL forgive Israel from all sin! From this side of the ressurection, we now know that forgiveness is available, not just to Irael, but to the whole earth.
Are you at the bottom of a chasm? Have you finally reached the depths, and come to the place where you can admit your weakness? Do you see your own guilt? If so, what are you waiting for? Forgiveness is there for the taking! Turn from your old ways and enter a new life of freedom and hope!