Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

New Site Up - VuBt.com

Hey everyone!

I've just completed work on a new web site, and was hoping you could help get things going.

It's called VuBt.com, and it gives you a chance to predict the future!

Registration is free and simple, and you get $100 free just for joining. BTW, View Bet is only for entertainment and fun.

We've made it so sponsors can win prizes like Walmart gift cards, so you might want to sign up as a sponsor too.

It's easy to place bets: just claim your money, click the picture on the side you think will win for any bet you're interested in, and wait for the fantasy $VB to roll into your own account if you're right!

Bets have odds so you can win lots of $VB or just a few $VB if you're right. We re-set the bet odds frequently for new betters, based on all available information.

New bets are set up daily, so keep checking back to see what's new.

You can even see "Insider Information" for each bet, including the latest Vegas Odds and news from Google and Yahoo. Don't place your bet until you check out that important information if you plan to do well in this game and win prizes.

You can not bet more than you have in the bank. We do not offer credit and won't give you more money if you go broke...unless...

If you want more money, become a sponsor of our site for $5 a month via Paypal and we will make sure you get $100 more View Bucks - $VB - deposited in your bank account each and every month if your balance is ZERO as long as your sponsorship is active. If you are not a sponsor you will never get any more money to bet with or have more fun on the site. It's our "tough love" policy because while the Internet may be "free" (we doubt it), creating this site and keeping it fun for all users is expensive.

So please go check out VuBt.Com right now and sign-up FREE to start fantasy betting!

Thanks! Have fun!

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