Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Thursday, June 10th, 2004

QuickIP Site

Well I finally decided to get a domain name for the quick ip site. They're getting so cheap! I think it cost $12 for 2 years!! Something like that-- amazing.

So instead of getting www.quickip.com which will mean NOTHING to NOBODY, I got www.remotecomputer.net. This describes much more accurately what QuickIP does, and I can focus on those two keywords in my page content.

So the next step is to design a better site than I have there already, and maybe get a new server for it. That's a bit more expensive, but makes a big difference. Then maybe I can convince the creator of QuickIP to package me a special version with an 'American' name of RemoteComputer. Then we're off to the races with 100% commission. Basically, I get to keep all the money I make from selling this. Why have I been so slow getting this going??!?


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