Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004

Kazaa and Star Trek

A couple of weeks ago Joanne, Lucas, Seth, and I sat in front of the television, enthusiastic to see the Season Finale of our favourite sci-fi show, Star Trek Enterprise. All year we've been caught up in the development of a complex and compelling story-line, and were anxious to see the conclusion.

For those of you who don't care about Star Trek, let me give you a background. In 1967 the first Star Trek series failed miserably in the ratings, and after two years was about to be cancelled. Crazy fans blitzed NBC with mail like never-before-seen, and so the show squeaked through one final year. But ratings were still bad. CANCELLED.

It wasn't until Star Trek was sydnicated that it became really popular. Millions of people tuned in to watch Star Trek reruns, and a phenomenon was born. I think I read somewhere that Star Trek was the first sydnicated show. Not sure about that.

Since then we've seen a number of movies; (the first movie was supposed to be a new television series called, Star Trek 2 with the original cast-- changed to a movie at the last minute because of the popularity of Star Wars). There's been Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and now, Star Trek: Enterprise. I've faithfully watched all of these shows-- in fact I have almost all of them on VHS. about 80 tapes containing 6 episodes each-- even the commercials are edited out!

So we sat down to watch the third season finale the other night. So excited, we could taste it. We scanned through all the channels, checked the guide, scanned again, but we COULDN'T FIND IT!! Where was our beloved Star Trek: Enterprise?

We concluded that the show was moved to next week, and gave up. Then the next morning on CH news, Matt Hayes is going on and on about the amazing Star Trek Enterprise episode he watched last night. He said the Finale was a cliff-hanger. We stared blankly at the screen... incredulous. How could this be? We had checked and rechecked, and no Enterprise. Yet he watched it!?!

So I got on Kazaa, and downloaded the Season Finale. This set about a chain of events so that now I'm downloading the whole season! The quality is much better than the days of video taping, plus I can burn it to a DVD if I want, or edit it as I see fit!

We just about missed it-- that would have been awful. Thank GOODNESS for Kazaa.


Tags:hobbies favourite_shows Star_Trek 0 likes
